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Discover below the exclusive advantages of our subscription plan:

Access to exclusive website content

Access to didactic material of training courses


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Access to the Ruptura library

Access to exclusive audiovisual content on Youtube 


Free event registration

How does the subscription work?

The subscriber plan comprises the following modalities:

  • Monthly plan: monthly payment of R$ 12.50. With the right to cancel charges at any time.

  • Annual plan: single payment of R$ 120.00 and term of 01 year. No cancellation and refund.


By opting for the annual plan with a single payment, you receive a 20% discount on the total value of the subscriber plan.

To become a Ruptura subscriber, follow these steps:

  1. fill in ourform

  2. Pay our subscription via PIX:

  3. Send us proof of payment by email ( with  subject "signature".

Once we receive payment confirmation, you will receive in your email:

  • Immediate access to the Ruptura library;

  • Weekly Rupture publications;

  • biweekly newsletter;

  • Invitation for free registration in all events promoted by Ruptura;

  • Access to didactic materials of courses already taken and any courses provided during the term of the subscription.

  • Free access to audiovisual content produced by Ruptura on Youtube.

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