About us
The "Ruptura" project is a non-profit association, constituted as a Civil Society Organization in Brazil and dedicated to the production, promotion and dissemination of scientific studies and actions for the construction of a fairer, more equitable and ecologically harmonic society. In a systemic and interdisciplinary approach, we focus themes like: the protection of rights of Nature, human rights and socio-biodiversity; tackling the climate emergency; the socio-environmental effects of corruption and organized crime; and the connection between victimology and sustainability.
Our vision
A more just and supportive society for all
Ruptura believes in building a plural, democratic, fair, equitable and solidary society and in defending a harmonious and sustainable relationship between human beings, non-human animals and Nature.
Our mission
raise awareness to evolve
Encourage the production and dissemination of studies and actions, as well as promote research, teaching, publishing, extension, consulting and strategic litigation activities aimed at promoting human rights, the rights of Nature, justice and equity, in a critical, interdisciplinary and equitable perspective.
Our values
Justice, Equity and Utopia
Social, ecological and climate justice.
Interspecies, race, gender and intergenerational equity.
Utopia as horizon.
“Utopia is on the horizon. Camino dos pasos, she moves away from the steps and the horizon runs ten steps further there. So what is utopia for? For that, it serves to walk.”
Eduardo Galeano

Talvez um dia, não existam aramados
E nem cancelas, nos limites das fronteiras
Talvez um dia milhões de vozes se erguerão
Numa só voz, desde o mar às cordilheiras
Da mão do índio, explorado, aniquilado
Ao Camponês, mãos calejadas, e sem terra
Do peão rude que humilde anda changueando
E dos jovens, que sem saber morrem nas guerras
América Latina, Latinoamerica
Amada América, de sangue e suor
Talvez um dia os gemidos das masmorras
E o suor dos operários e mineiros
Vão se unir à voz dos fracos e oprimidos
E as cicatrizes de tantos guerrilheiros
Talvez um dia, o silêncio dos covardes
Nos despertem da inocência destes anos
E o grito do sepé na voz do povo
Vai nos lembrar, que esta terra ainda tem dono
E as sesmarias, de campos e riquezas
Que se concentram nas mãos de pouca gente
Serão lavradas pelo arado da justiça
De norte a sul, no Latino Continente
"Latin America" - performed by Dante Ramon Ledesma.
Composed by Francisco Alves and Humberto Zanatta