Isadora Raddatz Tonetto
The environment has been reacting to all the aggressions already practiced by society, accelerating the process of degradation of natural resources, which cannot always be reversed, extinguishing species of fauna and flora, affecting the biodiversity of ecosystems and people's quality of life. These events demonstrate the need for behavioral change in society, and environmental education can be considered a preventive measure against conduct that is harmful to the environment.
Environmental education is directly related to life in society, and it plays an important role in tackling this crisis by making a sustainable commitment to changing anthropocentric values, behaviors and attitudes (IZOLANI, 2020. p.190).
It should be noted that environmental legislation has been gradually advancing, and as a legislative matter, environmental education is supported by the National Environmental Education Policy, which becomes an essential and permanent component of national education at all levels of education.
Article 205 of the Federal Constitution states that education is everyone's right and the duty of the state and the family, and should be promoted and encouraged with the collaboration of society. In addition, the National Environmental Education Policy, also known as Law No. 9.795, of April 27, 1999, establishes principles, objectives, those responsible for implementation and the form of action. Its aim is to democratize environmental information, stimulate and strengthen a critical awareness of environmental and social problems.
It may seem a simple topic, but raising awareness about the problems of environmental imbalance is necessary for society to understand the consequences of actions and omissions on our planet, as well as the importance of taking measures to protect it. Educating individuals about environmentally sustainable practices such as recycling, energy conservation and the efficient use of resources become social practices that encourage collective behaviors that reduce the negative impact on the planet.
Environmental education allows individuals to build social values and attitudes aimed at preserving the environment, raising awareness and rescuing values in the expectation of a better future. It also provides the development of critical skills in tackling environmental challenges.
Therefore, Environmental Education should be used as a strategy for dealing with crises, serving as an educational process that leads to environmental knowledge, which materializes in ethical values and social public policies, to prevent and deal with global risks, changing society's lifestyle and ways of thinking.
Therefore, the implementation of the National Environmental Education Policy is necessary, as it is seen as a fundamental instrument for the implementation of a more sustainable society. In the same way, teaching about environmental issues is a tool for social transformation, both inside and outside the school environment. With knowledge of environmental education, it may be possible to ensure that future generations inherit a more conscious and healthy planet, establishing the precepts of sustainable development to the extent that society can satisfy its current needs without compromising the production capacity of future generations and meet its own expectations of living on this planet.
BRASIL. Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988. Brasília, DF: 1988.
BRASIL. Lei no 9.795, de 27 de abril de 1999. Dispõe sobre a educação ambiental, institui a Política Nacional de Educação Ambiental e dá outras providências. Disponível em: Acesso em: 05 abr. 2024.
BRASIL. Lei nº 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996. Estabelece as diretrizes e bases da educação nacional. Disponível em: Acesso em: 05 abr. 2024.
IZOLANI, Francieli Iung. et. al. Educação Ambiental e Saberes Campesinos: o Programa Mosaico De Saberes do Campo como iniciativa sustentável para além do currículo. In: TYBUSCH, Jerônimo Siqueira; TYBUSCH, Francielle Benini Agne; MEDEIROS; Liziany Müller (org.). AGROECOLOGIA E DIREITOS DA SOCIOBIODIVERSIDADE. Santa Maria: Arco Editores, 2020. p.189-207.