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Rights of Nature

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DALLA RIVA, L.I diritti della natura in Brasile and Ecuador: un'analisi comparatistica tra costituzionalismo Ambientale e buen vivir. Rivista DPCE online, v. 58, no. SP2, June 2023.

IZOLANI, Francieli Iung; DALLA RIVA, Leura; GUERRA, Clarissa de Souza. Novo constitucionalismo latino-americano e os Direitos da Natureza: perspectivas a partir da constituinte chilena. In: IZOLANI, F. et. al. (Org.). Mulheres e meio ambiente: nosso papel fundamental. Volume III. Blumenau: Dom Modesto, 2022, v. 4, p. 13-33.

DALLA RIVA, L.; MELO, M. P.Rights of Nature in Brazil: limits and possible interpretations of the 1988 Constitution. Rivista Ordines, v. 1, p. 292-317, 2022.

DALLA RIVA, L.; MELO, M. P.Rights of Nature in Brazil: limits and possible interpretations of the 1988 Constitution. Rivista Ordines, v. 1, p. 292-317, 2022.

DALLA RIVA, L.Good Living and "Constitutionalism Found on the Street": a look from the theory of metabolic disruption. Insurgência Magazine, v. 8, p. 405-422, 2022. 

DALLA RIVA, L.; MELO, M. P.The constitutional protection of Nature and the environment: a comparative analysis of constitutional texts in South America. In: Anais Research Exhibition XV UFSC Law Congress, 2022.

DALLA RIVA, L.The conflict between homo sapiens and nature: the metabolic rift?s development and the law?s essence in Latin American new movements. Rivista Italiana di Conflittologia Culture, actors and interactions, v. 43, p. 95, 2021.

DALLA RIVA, L.; MELO, M. P.Nature as a subject in Brazil: An analysis based on lawsuits in the Rio Doce Basin (MG) and Lagoa da Conceição (SC). In: IZOLANI, F. et. al. (Org.). Women and the environment: our fundamental role. Volume III. Blumenau: Dom Modesto, 2021, v. 3, p. 307-328.

DALLA RIVA, L.; IZOLANI, F. I.; RUVIARO, L.M.Appropriation and exploitation of nature: the anthropocentric rationality from modernity to globalization and current threats to sociobiodiversity. In: PEREIRA, A. et. al (Org.). Law essays. 1st edition. Santiago: Dominus, 2020, v. 1, p. 133-147.

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