Climate Emergency
This thematic axis is aimed at the protection and integrity of the climate system through the promotion of research and dissemination and awareness actions regarding the global climate emergency based on an interdisciplinary scientific and doctrinal dialogue.
We focus on the categories ofclimate justice eintergenerational equitywhich brings together topics such as energy transition, environmental protection, new technologies aimed at reducing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, climate governance, historical accountability for greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation and mitigation of the effects of the climate emergency, among others.
Currently, among the main problems to be faced by humanity, are the ecological risks and accelerated climate changes due to the emission of greenhouse gases by the most diverse anthropogenic actions developed around the globe. The rise in terrestrial temperature threatens not only the human species, but the very sustainability of the environment in its vital cycles.
The emergence of concern about climate issues from the 20th century onwards has put man's relationship with nature on the agenda and brought severe criticism to the capitalist development model that encourages exacerbated consumption based on a false notion of inexhaustible natural resources. Human activities carried out with a focus on economic growth, technological and industrial development, as well as the intense exploitation of natural resources, accelerated the emissions and concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere over the last century and seem to follow the same pace in this century. XXI.
Thus, the greenhouse effect, which, in principle, is a natural process on the planet that guarantees the development of life at reasonable temperatures, starts to suffer the impact of anthropogenic actions, that is, the increase in the levels of atmospheric gases and, consequently, the rising temperatures on the globe which, in turn, could lead to the impossibility of life on Earth.
As the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel of the United Nations Organization on Climate Change (IPCC) points out, “from 1880 to 2012, the average global temperature increased by 0.85 °C [...] of snow and ice has diminished and sea levels have risen.
It is likely, according to the report, that at the end of this century the global average temperature will continue to rise due to continued concentrations and emissions of greenhouse gases, the oceans will warm and the ice will continue to melt. The document also points out that this climate change will persist for many centuries, even if emissions are stopped today.
In 2018, a IPCC issued a special report concluding that limiting global warming to 1.5°C would be much safer than 2°C, but would require rapid, profound and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society. The document also points out that the promises made in the Paris Agreement are not enough to limit warming to 2 or 1.5 °C and that the delay in combating emissions causes even more serious environmental impacts.
According to WWF, outro IPCC report from the end of 2019 demonstrates that even if the climate stabilizes, changes will continue and will be irreversible. Sea level rise alone will affect more than a billion people by 2050.
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