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Women and Environment Collection

Discover below the works organized by Ruptura and published byPublisher Dom Modestoque allocates revenues raised from the sale of ebooks to educational institutions in Brazil.


The collection “Women and the Environment: Our Fundamental Role” has already reached its fourth volume in 2023 and consists of a collection of articles from scientific research authored by women, students, researchers and/or environmental activists from different areas of knowledge. This is a collection idealized as a result of the importance of (re)signifying spaces and places of speech, of female thinking and acting in the face of the complexity of environmental problems that afflict our society. With the collection, the well-deserved support and emphasis on the role of women, equally deserving of respect, space and dignity, can be seen. The fundamental role of women lies in the symbiosis between woman and nature, the former being a protagonist in its preservation and in the necessaryrio rescue of a socio-environmental awareness as essential to the survival of all. The main objective of this editorial project created by the women of the Ruptura team is to enable the dissemination of scientific productions as well as to encourage researchers, independentlylevel of education – undergraduate or postgraduate – and the area of knowledge, to (re)think the way in which humanity is faced with the environment.

The project has a team of Evaluators composed of six PhDs in Law:  Dra. Cátia Rejane Mainardi Liczbinski; Dr. Valéria Ribas do Nascimento; Dr. Raquel Folmer Correa; Dr. Francielle Benini Agne Tybusch; Dr. Daniela Richter; and Dr. Milena Peters Melo.

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